
There are many questions that you may have about Next Step Rehab Therapy and the services that we offer.  We have answered some of the more frequently asked questions here.  If you are unable to find the answer below, or require further information, please feel free to contact a member of our team for assistance.

What is a Rehabilitation Therapist?

A rehabilitation therapist is an individual who has been trained to follow through with rehabilitation goals developed by your regulated health professional (e.g., Occupational Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist, Psychologist, Physiotherapist).  The rehabilitation therapist works closely with all team members and communicates regularly with them to ensure your rehabilitation program meets your goals and needs.

Why use a Rehabilitation Therapist?

During the rehabilitation process greatest benefit is obtained through the provision of opportunities to work on your rehabilitation goals.  The rehabilitation therapist is a cost effective means of providing services.  Their services are designed to provide sessions for as long and frequently as necessary to implement your rehabilitation team goals.  The role of the rehabilitation therapist is to follow through on specific tasks and is more cost effective than seeing a regulated health professional on a daily or weekly basis.

How long and frequently will each session be?

That will be determined following consultation with the rehabilitation team which includes direct input from the client.  Sessions can range in time and are designed specifically to meet your needs.  How often the sessions take place also depends on the goals developed.  Sessions can be 2- 4 hrs and can take place weekly or several times a week depending on your needs.

Do I need a referral?

Next Step Rehab Therapy Inc. focuses on client specific rehabilitation goals developed by your rehabilitation team following a motor vehicle accident.  A referral is typically initiated by a member of your rehab team but can be self initiated by directly contacting us via our contact information.

Also, a referral can be made for private pay rehabilitation therapy services (e.g. in the case your Motor Vehicle Collision claim has been settled).

How long does it take to get an appointment?

That will depend solely on your specific situation.  We actively work as a team streamlining the approval processes (verbal approval will be requested from your insurer) and getting you into your rehabilitation program as quickly as possible.  It should be noted that your insurer has up to 10 business to respond to a treatment plan and the speed with which plans are reviewed varies from insurer to insurer.

Do you bill my insurance company directly?

Following the initiation of a referral Next Step Rehab Therapy will follow-up with your insurance company and request funding.  As part of the process a treatment plan will be submitted on your behalf in order to secure funding.  All invoices will be sent directly to your insurer unless you are paying for services privately.

What happens during my first appointment?

During the first appointment or meeting you will be introduced to the rehabilitation therapist by a member of your treatment team (e.g., Case Manager, Occupational Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologist or Physiotherapist).

The first meeting will be to discuss your rehabilitation goals and allow you to see if the rehabilitation will be a good fit.  If in agreement to move forward with the rehabilitation therapist recommended by your treatment plan the treatment goals will be discussed along with the frequency and duration of the recommended sessions.  At this time you will be asked to sign a treatment plan in order to request funding for the sessions from your insurer.

Where do you provide Rehabilitation Therapy?

As part of your rehabilitation the sessions with the rehabilitation therapist can take place in a variety of locations depending on your needs and treatment goals.  The rehabilitation therapists at Next Step Rehab Therapy are able to implement rehabilitation goals in your home, school, work environment or in the community.

What geographical areas do you serve?

Next Step Rehab Therapy focuses on providing rehabilitation therapist as close a possible to your geographical area.  Please contact office with your details to determine the rehab therapy availability within or close to your community.

What happens if I want to change rehabilitation therapists?

Yes, you can receive rehabilitation by any provider of your choosing.  Please let your case manager or other team member know about any concerns and changes can be made at any point to ensure the rehabilitation therapist is a good fit with your personality and rehabilitation needs.

Will my information be shared with my other physicians and therapists?

Your consent is required for your therapists to discuss their clinical findings with your case manager, lawyer, doctor and/or other members of your health care team.